Solutions AiCure Measures Medication Adherence and Treatment Response
AiCure’s AI technology is bundled into two key offerings -- AiCure Patient Connect and AiCure’s Platform. AiCure Site Services supports clinical operations and patient engagement.
AiCure Patient Connect
A mobile app used by participants for real time dosing instructions and leveraging computer vision to ensure medication adherence. Patient Connect provides secure call, SMS and video chat, as well as configurable ePRO capabilities to reduce the burden on patients and improve their experience.
AiCure Platform
A regulatory-compliant AI-platform that captures and analyzes behavioral variables called digital biomarkers for better understanding and prediction of participant behavior and response to treatment.
AiCure Site Services
Eases site technology burden, giving personnel more time to focus on patients through direct access to AiCure experts, individualized site training and ad-hoc support based on issue trends.